We started Viget Labs in December of 1999, so this time of year is especially important for us.

We work on web projects all year long at Viget, and we love it. To celebrate the holidays, though, the Viget team gets together to work on a non-web project: making something to send to all of our friends and clients instead of a boring old holiday card. In years
past, we've made VigorBalm, Vigoroma, Vigetags,
Vigelicious,VigetRocks, Vigeturf, and VigePops.
This year, we've invited you to help share in the
fun of making our holiday greeting. Vigegram is sort of
a social art project. We've asked a few hundred of our closest friends to decorate a letter and mail it back to us. Once we have them, we'll arrange them on a wall at our office to spell out a message for all to see. Follow @vigegram for updates.
Thanks for visiting and being part of Viget's success. 2011 will be our best year yet. Check out viget.com or follow @viget to keep up. You can also read the blog post about it too!
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Tweet @vigegram or email us.