Viget Labs 2005 Holiday Gift Project

Viget Labs was founded during the 1999 holiday season, so this time of year is especially important to us. To thank everyone who plays a part in our success, we pull together each year to create the now-famous Viget Labs holiday gift. In 2003, we invigorated your lips with VigorBalm. Last year, we invigorated your whole office with Vigoroma Candles. This year, we're invigorating your taste buds with some good old fashioned holiday candy -- with a Viget twist. Hope you enjoy. Questions? Comments? Email us:
For 6+ years Viget Labs has been building some of the most creative and effective sites on the web, each one focused on driving measurable value. We help clients earn traffic through search engine and email marketing campaigns, and then track performance with detailed web analytics and reporting. The result? Successful clients. What could be jollier than that?
- We're hiring! Tell all your brilliant web-minded friends to apply here.
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Thanks for visiting, and happy holidays!
VIGET LABS holiday gift pack, 2005. © 2006 Viget Labs, All rights reserved.